Joblio Method Of Migrant Community Management

Countless communities across the developed world are in dire need of additional workers. Ensuring the quick integration of migrant labourers into our communities is of the utmost importance to meet the critical labour shortage currently besetting the global economy.

The Joblio method of community management is an incredibly effective strategy for ensuring the successful integration of migrant labourers into their host countries. Here’s how Joblio is helping migrant labourers succeed with stellar community management services.

Migrants Need A Community To Lean On

Packing up your belongings and moving to a distant land is no easy feat. Migrants around the world need to be able to lean upon a like-minded community during the integration period to find cultural and commercial success in their new jobs. To that end, Joblio provides community management services which guarantee that no migrant has to undergo the relocation and integration process alone.

“Migrants need support in order to succeed. We provide that support before they ever migrate in the first place, ensuring they’re prepared for the journey to come,” notes Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky.

This community management process begins before migrants even leave their origin countries in the first place. Migrants are thoroughly educated through online courses that teach them about their destination countries long before they arrive. This in turn hastens the integration process once they land in their new home country and fosters better cross-cultural exchange for everyone.

After Joblio thoroughly vets migrant worker candidates to ensure their credentials, the platform provides relocation services which help migrants start their new lives abroad. A prominent feature of this relocation service is that migrants arrive in groups of 20, ensuring they have a similar community of fellows to depend upon in times of trouble.

Governments, companies, and NGOs involved in the global relocation of migrant workers must understand the importance of community management. If workers are thrust into unfamiliar territory without any familiar lifeline to depend upon, their chances of truly succeeding are severely limited. By focusing on positive community management that develops a support network for new migrants, we can drastically improve outcomes for all.

Modern Community Management Solutions

Community management is not a new idea when it comes to migration — scholars have been discussing the merits of community management for decades. Yet recent innovations are allowing us to approach community management from a new angle, harnessing digital technology all the while to supercharge the results.

“We’ve been debating community management for years, but modern technology allows us to quickly resolve age-old problems like never before,” says Jon Purizhansky.

In addition to providing online classes which are widely accessible across the world, we’re also taking steps to ensure the culinary and cultural needs of migrants are met in their new workplaces. Every time Joblio sends a group of 20 migrant labourers to a new host country, a chef who understands the dietary preferences and needs of the migrants goes with them. This way, these invaluable workers can enjoy some of the comforts of home as they explore intimidating new foods, restaurants, and grocery stores in their host nation.

Home cooked meals shared by the migrant workers can also help them bond with one another. As they go through the experience of moving to a new nation together, they’ll develop valuable connections that ensure nobody falls behind during the integration process.

As the global migration industry continues to expand at a breakneck pace, we must take such cultural quirks into consideration. It’s one thing to venture abroad on a temporary vacation and try new foods — it’s another thing entirely to move to a new country for work only to go hungry because local tastes aren’t yet palatable to you. By enhancing the daily wellbeing of migrant communities, we prepare them for the hard day’s work they want to provide in order to secure fair wages.

Making Migrants Feel At Home

A few touches of home life can radically improve the migrant experience, which in turn translates to enhanced commercial gains for their employers and quicker integration into their host nations.

Joblio is taking steps to ensure migrants feel at home in their new countries by ensuring they’re relocated into communities with adequate religious offerings. This means we focus on integrating religious migrants who have concerns about their faith into regions with appropriate places of worship and local faith groups.

Migrants feeling estranged from their religious practices when they enter a new country is one of the most common complaints in the industry. At Joblio, we’re committed to ensuring that migrant labourers don’t have to abandon their religious beliefs in order to pursue economic opportunities abroad.

Making migrants feel at home is a tricky process that’s nevertheless worth pursuing. The cost of failure is a lackluster integration process that wastes the potential of these critical workers. In an effort to bolster human rights, improve the migrant experience, and ensure optimal economic outcomes, Joblio will tirelessly perfect its method of community management.

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