Cross Cultural Employer Employee Relationships

In today’s globalized world, employers in developed countries often find themselves managing a diverse workforce that includes employees from developing countries. The differences in cultural norms, particularly around the concepts of politeness and respect, can create challenges in the workplace.


Understanding and addressing these cultural differences is crucial for employers seeking to retain employees, improve overall efficiency, and increase revenues. This essay explores the importance of respect in cross-cultural employer-employee relationships, the failures of the human capital management industry in bridging cultural gaps, and how addresses these challenges through its ACE (Applicant Concierge Experience) Program.


In the “Developed West,” the concepts of politeness and respect are often intertwined, sometimes leading to confusion. Politeness typically refers to the use of courteous language and gestures, while respect is a deeper, more profound recognition of another person’s worth and dignity. In societies where money is scarce, such as many developing countries, respect is not just important—it is essential. For many immigrants, labor migrants, and refugees, respect is tied to their sense of identity and self-worth. When respect is absent, it can lead to feelings of alienation and dissatisfaction, which in turn can affect job performance and retention.


Understanding respect from the perspective of employees originating from non-Western societies can significantly benefit corporate employers. In many cultures, respect is demonstrated through specific behaviors and attitudes, such as attentive listening, acknowledgment of contributions, and equitable treatment.

Employers who adopt these practices can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. This approach not only helps in retaining employees but also enhances their job satisfaction and productivity, ultimately leading to higher revenues for the company.

Unfortunately, the human capital management industry has largely failed to bridge the cultural gap between employers in developed countries and their employees from developing nations. This failure is evident in the high attrition rates experienced by European and North American employers. Many companies lack the cultural competency to understand and address the unique needs and expectations of their diverse workforce. As a result, they struggle to maintain a stable and engaged team, leading to increased recruitment and training costs, as well as a loss of institutional knowledge.

Jon Purizhansky, the Founder and CEO of, recognized these challenges and sought to develop a solution. is a global platform that connects employers with vetted, ready-to-work employees from around the world. One of the key components of Joblio’s success is its ACE (Applicant Concierge Experience) Program. This program is designed to support both employers and employees throughout the hiring process and beyond, ensuring that cultural differences are acknowledged and respected.

The ACE Program focuses on three main areas: education, communication, and integration.

Education: provides cultural competency training for employers, helping them understand the cultural backgrounds of their employees. This training includes practical advice on how to demonstrate respect in ways that are meaningful to their employees. By educating employers about the cultural norms and expectations of their workforce, helps to create a more inclusive and respectful workplace.

Communication: Effective communication is essential for bridging cultural gaps. The ACE Program includes language support and translation services, ensuring that employees can understand and communicate effectively with their employers. also encourages open and ongoing dialogue between employers and employees, promoting mutual understanding and respect.

Integration: The ACE Program supports employees in their transition to a new work environment. This includes assistance with housing, transportation, and other logistical needs, as well as social integration activities that help employees feel welcomed and valued. By providing this support, ensures that employees can focus on their work and feel respected in their new environment.

Jon Purizhansky’s vision for goes beyond simply matching employers with employees. He understands that true success in the workplace requires a holistic approach that addresses the cultural and personal needs of employees. By implementing the ACE Program, not only helps employers retain their staff but also enhances the overall efficiency and productivity of their workforce. This, in turn, leads to higher revenues and a more successful business.

In conclusion, respect is a fundamental component of successful cross-cultural employer-employee relationships. Employers in developed countries must recognize and address the cultural differences that exist within their workforce. By understanding respect as it is defined by immigrants, labor migrants, and refugees, employers can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment. The human capital management industry has struggled to bridge these cultural gaps, leading to high attrition rates and decreased efficiency. However,, under the leadership of Jon Purizhansky, offers a solution through its ACE Program. By focusing on education, communication, and integration, helps employers and employees achieve mutual respect and success, ultimately benefiting the company’s bottom line. Respect, when properly understood and implemented, is not just a moral imperative—it is a key driver of business success.

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